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Enable your drivers to improve and develop their driving skills and add real benefits to your business. Use our Performance module to gain a valuable, comprehensive view of driver performance at an individual and fleet level.


Audit and management of driver performance

Ensure more effective driver/manager debriefs and interactions and quickly identify where training is needed. All of this will deliver;

  • Full digital audit trail - stored securelyFull digital audit trail ‐ stored securely
  • Complete visibility on line - accessible any timeComplete visibility on line ‐ accessible any time
  • Electronic record eliminates the need for paperElectronic record eliminates the need for paper
  • Improved productivity Improved productivity
  • Significant savings in cost and time Significant savings in cost and time
  • Increased driver performance and road user safety Increased driver performance and road user safety
  • Better driver retention Better driver retention

If you are using our Tachograph Module all of this extra functionality ‐ and all the operational benefits that come with it ‐ is available at no charge!


Get the Complete Picture

Use our Performance module to gather data from multiple sources and immediately capture actionable details about all of your drivers. All data is saved on the Convey platform to demonstrate compliance.

Drivers use the Driver App to check their own performance and communicate with managers quickly and effectively.

Managers use the Manager App to access reports on a driver basis or view all driver performance, daily activity, driving patterns, and infringements across the business. This provides full visibility and enables quick responses to issues.

With features like custom performance items, driver performance summary, user-friendly item creation, and system messages, you can efficiently manage performance, debrief drivers remotely*, and improve productivity.

Find out more

*Drivers can be de-briefed quickly and effectively via the Performance App and all interactions recorded & stored securely to meet compliance requirements. The time and cost savings from this will be enormous.

Live Reporting

All Tachograph infringements and WalkAround checks are automatically available to view. This allows issues to be tackled rapidly before they impact costs, productivity or safety.

Live Reporting

Retain Drivers

Effective, constructive engagement with your drivers benefits both managers and drivers. Replace unproductive workplace conflict, stress and frustration with improved driver/management relations. Build workforce trust and loyalty. Contented drivers are better drivers ‐ and better employees.

Retain Drivers

Why Use Convey's Performance Module?

Improved Manager/Driver Interaction

Improved Manager/Driver Interaction

Enjoy the benefits of improved driver interactions and working relations. Deploy instant, mutually agreed resolutions to challenges and issues before they escalate.

Faster Feedback

Faster Feedback

Feedback response times are dramatically cut between drivers and managers, making driver debriefs more meaningful and effective. Conduct debriefs 'on the go' to improve efficiency and gain major time savings.

Proactive & Educational

Proactive & Educational

Educate drivers as you problem solve proactively with them. By addressing driver issues rapidly, drivers will learn and benefit from the experience, preventing the formation of bad habits.

Run League Tables

Run League Tables

Introduce friendly internal competition into your business. Points based schemes can be created based on criteria set by you. Drivers and or/depots can earn points based on performance. Don't just penalise poor behaviours, instead reward and reinforce good behaviours.

Reduce Operational Costs

Improve Operational Productivity

Remove current text and replace with; Use the data collected to spot patterns and trends. React faster and make better informed decisions. As a result, reduce costs, save time and make your business more productive.

Improve Safety

Improve Safety

Give your drivers the power to improve and develop themselves into better, safer drivers. Reduce the risk of accidents and delays on the roads. Increase driver productivity and gain operational efficiencies through improved driver performance.

Deliver new Efficiencies with our Performance Module & Apps

Login to the Convey platform or the Performance Manager App which works with iOS or Android. View reports and get detailed analysis on a specific driver basis. Capture patterns of driving infringements and daily activity at an individual or company wide level. Use this valuable information to make faster, better decisions and improve business efficiency.

Find out more

If you want to see exactly how our Performance module will help your business...

Save Time

Save Time

Reduce Costs

Reduce Costs

Improve Driver Performance and Productivity

Improve Driver Performance and Productivity

Reinforce Commitments to Road Safety

Reinforce Commitments to Road Safety

Contact us for a chat or demo

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Manage Compliance and Risk as well as Performance

Manage Compliance and Risk as well as Performance

Drivers can respond to infringements and constructively engage with their manager via the App.

Managers can act proactively and efficiently deal with infringements in clear, informative and supportive ways to optimise operational safety.

All data and interactions are saved on the Performance platform to demonstrate DVSA compliance.

Find out more


If you use our Tacho Module you have this powerful Performance Module already!

Want to know more or need help activating it?

Please just contact us. We are ready to help.

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Reduce costs, improve profitability

Earned Recognition

Earned Recognition

Demonstrate compliance and gain DVSA Earned Recognition status



Manage your entire fleet as efficiently as possible



Save time & revolutionise driver communication



Enables organisations to actively check driving licence eligibility



Audit and management of driver performance



A complete Tachograph analysis compliance solution



Real-time GPS tracking & vehicle data monitoring



Plan, schedule & record training, including storing documents online



The industry standard WalkAround compliance solution



A paper-less solution to maintaining your fleet